《植物生理学报》 2021, 57(5): 1135-1150
通信作者:赵秋媛;E-mail: 1057330638@qq.com
摘 要:
为明确油桐(Vernicia fordii) bZIP转录因子家族的结构特征, 筛选出与油桐油脂代谢相关的bZIP转录因子, 基于油桐基因组和转录组数据, 利用NCBI-CDD数据库、在线工具ExPASy、 TBtools软件、 MEGAX软件、 SPSS软件等生物信息学工具鉴定并分析与油脂代谢相关的bZIP转录因子家族成员。共鉴定出油桐bZIP转录因子家族成员50个, 分子质量11.58~82.60 kDa, 等电点5.06~10.60; 亚细胞定位预测显示, 除了VfbZIP38定位在叶绿体上, 其他49个蛋白都定位在细胞核中。根据bZIP结构域中碱性区和铰链区序列的保守性可将bZIP家族蛋白分成12个亚类, 每个亚类的成员所具有的保守基序及基因结构模式基本相同。其中, Motif 1广泛分布于50个成员中, 9个没有内含子的bZIP基因都属于X亚类。 VfbZIP基因在基因组11条染色体上均有分布, 在9号染色体上分布最多, 共有11个bZIP基因。在演化历程中该基因家族发生过染色体片段复制事件或多倍化事件。 bZIP转录因子还可以通过蛋白间相互作用与该家族其他成员形成二聚体, 甚至互作网络。大部分油桐bZIP基因在根、茎、叶、花和种子等不同器官中均有表达, 且VfbZIP7、VfbZIP25和VfbZIP44在种子器官中高水平表达。此外, 鉴定出46个启动子区域含有bZIP转录因子结合顺式作用元件G-box的油脂基因, 包括脂肪酸脱氢酶类基因FAD3-2和FADx-1。 FAD2在5个种仁发育时期的表达量与VfbZIP7具有显著正相关性, 与VfbZIP24、 VfbZIP36负相关性显著; FADx-1与VfbZIP7正相关性显著,与VfbZIP25、 VfbZIP44正相关性极显著; FAD3-1和FAD3-2都与VfbZIP12、 VfbZIP24、 VfbZIP36、 VfbZIP41呈现显著或极显著的正相关性。在油桐bZIP家族中的50个成员中, VfbZIP7、 VfbZIP25和VfbZIP44可能特异性地参与种子发育; VfbZIP7、 VfbZIP12、 VfbZIP24、 VfbZIP25、 VfbZIP36、 VfbZIP41和VfbZIP44可能通过正向或负向调控油脂代谢途径的酶类基因表达来参与油脂代谢过程。其中VfbZIP7可能与VfbZIP24形成异源二聚体, VfbZIP12、 VfbZIP41可能作为bZIP转录因子互作网络中心进行协同调控。
关键词:油桐; bZIP; 油脂; 生物信息学
收稿:2020-09-03 修定:2021-03-19
Corresponding author: ZHAO Qiuyuan; E-mail: 1057330638@qq.com
The purpose of the study was to understand the structure characteristics of bZIP transcription factor family in Vernicia fordii and select the bZIP transcription factors related to V. fordii oil metabolism. Based on the V. fordii genome and transcriptome database, we identifed and analyzed oil-related members of the VfbZIP transcription factor family by the NCBI-CDD database, ExPASy online tool, TBtools, MEGA X, and SPSS software. Fifty VfbZIP transcription factors were identifed with molecular weight ranging from 11.58 kDa to 82.60 kDa and isoelectric point ranging from 5.06 to 10.60. Forty-nine proteins were predicted to be located in nuclear except VfbZIP38 in chloroplast. On the basis of the conserved sequences in basic and hinge regions, VfbZIP proteins are divided into 12 subgroups and members of each group contain similar patterns of conserved motifs and gene structure. For instance, Motif 1 is widely spread in 50 proteins and nine genes from X group do not have introns. VfbZIP genes distribute to 11 distinct chromosomes, but chromosome No. 9 possesses the most, 11 genes. During the evolution, VfbZIP family experienced chromosomal segmental duplication events. Via protein interaction, different bZIP proteins can form heterodimer with each other, even interaction network. Most members express in diverse tissues, including root, stem, leaf, flower and seed. However, VfbZIP7, VfbZIP25 and VfbZIP44 specifcally showed high expression levels in seed. In addition, Forty-six oil-related genes were identifed to have G-box cis-element, including fatty acid desaturase genes like FAD3-2 and FADx-1. The expression quantity of FAD2 during fve seed developmental stages is positively correlated with VfbZIP7, but negatively correlated with VfbZIP24 and VfbZIP36 signifcantly; FADx-1 is positively correlated with VfbZIP1 signifcantly, and with VfbZIP25 and VfbZIP44 extremely signifcantly; both FAD3-1 and FAD3-2 are positively correlated with VfbZIP12, VfbZIP24, VfbZIP36 and VfbZIP41 signifcantly or extremely signifcantly. Among the 50 members of VfbZIP gene family, VfbZIP7, VfbZIP25 and VfbZIP44 may be specifcally involved in seed development; VfbZIP7, VfbZIP12, VfbZIP24, VfbZIP25, VfbZIP36, VfbZIP41 and VfbZIP44 are possible to regulate oil metabolism via activating or repressing expression of genes encoding enzymes in oil biosynthesis pathway. Besides, VfbZIP7 may form heterodimer with VfbZIP24, and VfbZIP12 and VfbZIP41 may act as center of bZIP transcription interaction network to function collaboratively.
Key words: Vernicia fordii; bZIP; oil; bioinformatics
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