《植物生理学报》 2021, 57(4): 780-792
通信作者:李霞;E-mail: jspplx@jaas.ac.cn;谭明谱;E-mail: tempo@njau.edu.cn
摘 要:
为了能够在胁迫条件下生存, 植物进化出复杂的机制来感知外部信号, 从而对环境变化做出最佳反应。表观遗传机制调控植物应答外界胁迫是近年来发现的重要机制之一, 其中DNA甲基化在该过程中处于核心地位。本文就近年来DNA甲基化在植物应答胁迫的生物学功能、作用机制以及未来的前景等进行阐述, 从而为DNA甲基化在植物遗传学中的研究以及应用提供理论参考。
关键词:植物; DNA甲基化; 逆境; 功能; 机制
收稿:2020-03-12 修定:2021-01-26
资助:国家自然科学基金(31571585)、江苏省重点研发计划(现 代农业) BE2019377和国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD- 0300501-03)
Corresponding author: LI Xia; E-mail: jspplx@jaas.ac.cn; TAN Mingpu; E-mail: tempo@njau.edu.cn
In order to survive all kinds of stress conditions, plants have evolved complex mechanisms to sense external signals and respond to environmental changes in the best way. Epigenetic mechanisms regulating plant responses to external stress are one of the important mechanisms discovered in recent years, among which DNA methylation is at the core of epigenetic modifcation. In this paper, the biological function, mechanism and future prospect of DNA methylation in response to plant stress were described in recent years, so as to provide theoretical reference for the research and application of DNA methylation in plant genetics.
Key words: plant; DNA methylation; stress; function; mechanism
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