《植物生理学报》 2010, 46(3): 241-244
通信作者:王勇;E-mail: wangyong@nankai.edu.cn;Tel: 022-23504 388
摘 要:
采用双向凝胶电泳技术分析紫萍叶状体衰老期间内肽酶同工酶的变化以及外源L-丝氨酸对内肽酶影响的结果表明, 在衰老的紫萍叶状体中检测到9种内肽酶同工酶, 丝氨酸内肽酶EP3可能在叶状体衰老的早期起作用, 而半胱氨酸内肽酶 EP9 在第 6 天出现, 是衰老后期活性最强的内肽酶。培养液中加入外源的 L- 丝氨酸后, 叶状体蛋白质含量下降加剧, 与衰 老相关的内肽酶 EP3、EP4 和 EP9 的活性明显增强或提前出现。关键词:紫萍; 叶状体; 衰老; 内肽酶; L-丝氨酸
收稿:2009-11-06 修定:2010-02-10
Corresponding author: WANG Yong; E-mail: wangyong@nankai.edu.cn; Tel: 022-23504 388
Changes in endopeptidase isoenzymes of Spirodela polyrrhiza thallus during senescence and L-serine induced senescence were investigated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Nine endopeptidases were detected. Changes of these enzymes activities during senescence showed that EP3 (a serine protease) might play a significant role in early stage and the EP9 (a cysteine protease), appeared on the 6th day, was the most active endopeptidase in the late stages of senescence. L-serine treatment of the thallus enhanced the appearance and increase in the activities of three senescence-related endopeptidases (EP3, EP4, EP9), along with its ignificant promotion of decline in protein content.Key words: Spirodela polyrrhiza; thallus; senescence; endopeptidase; L-serine
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