《植物生理学报》 2014, 50(5): 585-590
通信作者:晁代印;E-mail: dychao@sibs.ac.cn;Tel: 021-54924337
摘 要:
随着工农业的发展, 重金属污染问题在我国越来越严重。矿质元素互作的研究是理解重金属植物体内迁移规律, 解决矿质营养利用和重金属污染治理的矛盾以及重金属复合污染问题的必然要求。本文从几个与重金属关系密切的矿质元素入手, 并结合离子组学的发展, 简要介绍了矿质元素与重金属的互作方面的主要进展, 并对解决重金属污染和重金属复合污染问题进行了探讨。关键词:矿质元素互作; 重金属; 离子组
收稿:2014-03-25 修定:2014-04-12
Corresponding author: CHAO Dai-Yin; E-mail: dychao@sibs.ac.cn; Tel: 021-54924337
With the development of industry and agriculture, heavy metal pollution is becoming a more and more serious problem in China. It is essential to study mineral element interactions for uncovering the migration mechanisms of heavy metals in plants and resolving the conflicts between mineral nutrient use efficiency and heavy metal accumulation. This review tries to make a brief summary of recent progresses in studies of interactions of mineral elements and heavy metals and discuss possible ways to resolve the problems of heavy metal pollution and combined heavy metal pollution, with focuses on several mineral nutrients and plant ionomics.Key words: mineral element interactions; heavy metals; ionomics
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